
iris su strada uscioli CategoriesPast seminars

Be peace, be still, be in the breath

Essere Pace, essere Quiete, essere nel respiro Seminario intensivo di yoga 22-24 settembre 2023 Fine settimana residenziale con Sn Atmabhava (Daniela Petrini) Il seminario è inteso come un tempo per connettersi con la pace, il silenzio e la capacità di sviluppare salute e armonia attraverso la pratica di Yoga e il contatto con la Natura. […]

CategoriesPast seminars

Learning to Breathe

Learning to Breathe 19th-21st May 2023 Led by Sn Brahmananda (Narendra Bharwaney), the weekend will be taught in English with Italian translation. Breath is prana and prana is life. Without prana, nothing moves, nothing lives. Breathing in is taking life in, breathing out is letting go. Every moment we are in this exchange with ourselves […]

CategoriesPast seminars

The Labyrinth – An Easter retreat for new growth and transformation

The Labyrinth – An Easter retreat for new growth and transformation  5th -10th of April 2023 in Grempoli, Tuscany Led by Sn Antarshuddhi (Nadeshda Stürzebecher) Explore the Labyrinth as a practice. With this five-day-retreat, we will celebrate the auspicious time of Easter and the ancient spiritual practice of Labyrinth. Together we will investigate and work with […]

vita comunitaria CategoriesPast seminars

Yogic community living

  Yogic community living Sunday 26th June-Friday 1st July 2022 An opportunity to share and learn, working together and following a yogic lifestyle. A week of community life based on yogic principles, to experience the gift of being present in nature every moment of the day, with lightness and simplicity, through the help of Yoga […]

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