Learning to Breathe

Learning to Breathe

19th-21st May 2023

Led by Sn Brahmananda (Narendra Bharwaney), the weekend will be taught in English with Italian translation.

Breath is prana and prana is life. Without prana, nothing moves, nothing lives.

Breathing in is taking life in, breathing out is letting go. Every moment we are in this exchange with ourselves and our environment.

Our breath affects every cell and system in the body and it is literally right under our nose.

Simply becoming aware of the natural spontaneous breath has quick and profound benefits physically, mentally and emotionally.

Prana literally is ‘that which is in movement’, it is the vital force, the energy that sustains all life. We have two external sources of prana – food and air. In daily life we generate, store, use and waste prana, by bringing simple pranayama practice into our routine we can moderate that whole process and increase and sustain our energy levels and vitality.

What to expect

The weekend will be an intensive combination of asana, pranayama, mudra and bandha practice. Together with daily yoga nidra, meditation and karma yoga. A range of practices will be covered, from preparatory techniques to develop strength and flexibility in the lungs and breathing muscles, to the beginnings of ‘classical’ yogic pranayama. We will aim to cover:

  • Natural breath awareness
  • Mechanics of breathing and the three and nine parts breath
  • Abdominal, thoracic and complete breathing or yogic breath

  • Viloma Pranayama – stepped breathing

  • Equalising of the breath and extending exhalation

  • Hasta Mudra Pranayama – hand mudra sensitizing pranayama sequence

  • Breath balancing

  • Nadi Shodhana and how to develop the technique

  • Bhramari (humming bee breath)

Suitable for practitioners of different levels and teachers alike this will be an opportunity to explore systematic pranayama practice that can be repeated and developed over three to six months in your own sadhana.

Grempoli is in a prana rich natural setting, the food is prana rich home organic grown, it is a place conducive to experiencing depth and substance, that we may carry with us to help manage this life and all that it brings.

We will eat, practice, work and maybe even sing together.

The weekend will start on Friday at 5 pm and it will conclude on Sunday by 5 pm. It will be taught in English with Italian translation.

Cost: Programme, meals and accommodation – €260

For further information please contact us

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    To participate in the activities of the Association it is necessary to be a Member. Annual membership fee is € 10, with validity from January to December.

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    It is important the teacher is aware of any health issues, physical or otherwise, that may affect your practice. This is to ensure correct practices can be given and unsuitable practices adapted. This can also be discussed in person on site

    Have you practiced yoga and meditation before? What kind and for how long?

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            Grempoli retreat Constitution

    Thank you for your time filling this form!

    A non-refundable deposit is required for registration for seminars. The fee can be paid by bank transfer to:
    : Grempoli Retreat
    IBAN: IT 20 M 01030 38040 000000491678
    Bank: Monte dei Paschi di Siena
    Branch: Rufina
    The deposit is non refundable and non transferable.

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