
vita comunitaria CategoriesPast seminars

Yogic community living

  Yogic community living Sunday 26th June-Friday 1st July 2022 An opportunity to share and learn, working together and following a yogic lifestyle. A week of community life based on yogic principles, to experience the gift of being present in nature every moment of the day, with lightness and simplicity, through the help of Yoga […]

radicarsi con la terra CategoriesEvents & Courses


Prakriti Reconnecting to oneself in the embrace of Nature 13th-17th July 2022 Residential yoga program July 13-17 Led by Sn Shantanu (Stefano Botti) Everything in the universe is made up of the interaction of the five basic elements (earth, water, fire, air, space). Their aggregation is the basis of everything that manifests in nature, from […]

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