Introduction to Meditation – a weekend immersion

Introduction to Meditation – a weekend immersion

April 14th to 16th 2023

Led by Brahmananda (Narendra Bharwaney), the weekend will be taught in English with Italian translation.

This short retreat will aim to create firm foundations for a systematic and honest meditation practice.

Meditation is not a technique, it is an experience, the techniques are relaxation and internalisation of mind and these must happen in an effortless and natural way. There is no point ‘trying’ to meditate!

We will focus on techniques that develop the principles which are at the root of all sustainable, sitting meditation practice – awareness, stillness of body and stillness of the sense organs, known as kaya sthairyam and pratyahara. Pratyahara is the bridge between the external and internal worlds and must be experienced and crossed if we wish for the process of meditation to bear fruit. Being present with experience on every level and what IS, rather than what has been or might be, is the most effective approach. We must be aware of the nature of the noise, without reaction, before we experience silence.

The weekend will be an immersive combination of asana, pranayama, mudra and yoga nidra together with an exploration of the techniques of Kaya Sthairyam – stillness of body, and Antar Mouna – inner silence.

Suitable for all, curious beginners and experienced practitioners.

The weekend will start on Friday at 5 pm and it will conclude on Sunday by 5 pm.

Cost: Programme and accommodation – €260

For further information please contact us

To register, please fill in the form below, thanks!

    To participate in the activities of the Association it is necessary to be a Member. Annual membership fee is € 10, with validity from January to December.

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    It is important the teacher is aware of any health issues, physical or otherwise, that may affect your practice. This is to ensure correct practices can be given and unsuitable practices adapted. This can also be discussed in person on site

    Have you practiced yoga and meditation before? What kind and for how long?

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    How did you find out about this programme?

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            Grempoli Retreat Constution

    Thank you for your time filling this form!

    A non-refundable deposit is required for registration for seminars. The fee can be paid by bank transfer to:
    : Grempoli Retreat
    IBAN: IT 20 M 01030 38040 000000491678
    Bank: Monte dei Paschi di Siena
    Branch: Rufina
    The deposit is non refundable and non transferable.

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