Durga Mantra Yantra and Mandala Retreat

Durga sand yantra

Durga Mantra Yantra and Mandala Retreat

27th July – 3rd August 2022

Led by Sn Antarshuddhi (Nadeshda Stürzebecher)

(THE RETREAT IS NOW FULLY BOOKED) if interested leave your name for waiting list.

Join us for a week in the beautiful Tuscan countryside for an immersive week of nature, sounds and colours. Focusing on the interplay between yantra, mantra and mandala as sound, form and colour. Our sadhana will be a wonderful balance of yogic practices to deepen our self-exploration and reflection. Living, practising and creating together to nurture ourselves and express our creativity.

Yantra is a geometric image, which is known to be the manifested form of a deity. The drawing and painting of a yantra is practised together with its respective mantra, which is connected to that particular divinity. Mantra is the essential principle or energy and the yantra is the body. Yantras are powerful tools of meditation, which help us to focus, expand our awareness and activate our creative potential. Each symbol in a yantra resonates in our inner-outer space and is associated with the subtle aspects of human consciousness. Mandala is the pictorial representation of the microcosm and the macrocosm, which serves as a focal point to enclose and channel subtle energies.


Our theme will be Mother Nature – the Great Mother Goddess, Durga. She is associated with strength, motherhood, protection and prosperity. She is the unrivalled power of goodness and helps us to eliminate and neutralize all inner and outer negativities. Durga is the archetype of the all-powerful and fearless One, with the combined powers of all the divine beings, incorporating all the multiple forms and forces.

In this retreat we will explore the creation of mandalas and combine them with the Durga yantra, along with the respective mantras connected to Durga. If you are new to painting, this is a fantastic opportunity to connect and explore your own creativity. Sacred geometry will be carefully explained and practiced as well as how to develop drawing and painting skills.

There will be plenty of time to allow you to go deeper into your practice and reconnect with Mother Nature on all levels in the beautiful sattvic atmosphere at Grempoli.

A full and varied sadhana programme, from 7 am to 9 pm.

  • Daily 90 minutes asana, pranayama, and meditation class

  • Yoganidra sessions

  • Karma yoga and periods of silence (mouna)

  • Daily mantra chanting practice

  • Drawing and painting of yantra and mandala as a practice and a sacred act

  • Exploring the use of colour and colour mixing in yantra and mandala painting

  • Development of your own sketchbook to explore these techniques

  • Evening sessions on the terrace including kirtan and havan (fire ceremony)

The retreat will be taught in English.

Cost of retreat: 690 in double / 790 on single (NO MORE SINGLE ROOMS AVAILABLE)

The fee includes 7 nights, 3 healthy, organic meals per day, local collection and drop off from Scopeti, all tuition and classes.

The retreat will begin at 5pm sharp on Wednesday 27th Julyit will conclude with lunch at 1pm on Wednesday 3rd August.

To register, please fill in the form below and wait for confirmation.

For further information please contact us.

To book, please fill in the form below and wait for confirmation.

    To participate in the activities of the Association it is necessary to be a Member. Annual membership fee is € 10, with validity from January to December.

    Name and Last name (richiesto)

    Spiritual name if applicable (opzionale)

    I am already a member for 2022

    Date of Birth (only for new member)

    Place of Birth (only for new member)

    F/M (required) FM

    Full address (required)

    Town (required)

    Email (required)

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    This information is treated strictly confidential. Grempoli Retreat informs that the processing of personal data provided by the applicant will be used exclusively for registration to the association, within the terms provided for by the legislation currently in force (Legislative Decree 196/03, “Code regarding the protection of personal data” and GDPR n, 2016/679). Any telephone numbers or e-mails, spontaneously provided by the applicant, can be used as a means of communication between the Members. For any changes to your data or to exercise the rights provided for by art. 12 of the GDPR, you can contact the Association.

    Emergency contact (family or friend):

    It is important the teacher is aware of any health issues, physical or otherwise, that may affect your practice. This is to ensure correct practices can be given and unsuitable practices adapted. This can also be discussed in person on site

    Have you practiced yoga and meditation before? What kind and for how long?

    Do you have any food allergy?

    How did you find out about this programme?

    I have red the aims and object of the association and wish to join

            Grempoli Retreat Constitution

    Thank you for your time filling this form!

    A non-refundable deposit is required for registration for seminars. The fee can be paid by bank transfer to:
    : Grempoli Retreat
    IBAN: IT 20 M 01030 38040 000000491678
    Bank: Monte dei Paschi di Siena
    Branch: Rufina
    The deposit is non refundable and non transferable.

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