Likhita Japa
an effective meditation practice
29th December 2023 – 1st January 2024
The residential seminar is led by Architect Adriana Sasso, who specialises in calligraphy and applied art, and by Elio Manni Sn. Premshakti (Bassano del Grappa) in italian language.
What is it:
Likhita Japa is a yoga practice that consists of the written repetition of a mantra, which is effective in fostering concentration, gradually leading to a meditative state and quickly achieving tranquillity.

What to bring:
For the practice of Likhita Japa, calligraphy in Italic Italic Italic Italic will be taught with the use of a nib and Indian ink. Bring a 30 cm minimum ruler, an HB pencil and an eraser.

Arrive by 10 am on Friday 29th December. The programme will conclude on Monday 1st January after lunch.
ASI-recognised 32-hour continuous training programme
The residential seminar will be conducted in Grempoli, a haven of peace, welcome and listening. The energy that guards this place has been preserved through many years of commitment to keeping the Masters’ teachings alive. Living in Grempoli means reconnecting with nature, savouring the richness of the simple life and connecting with essentiality.
The programme is open to all.
Cost including board and lodging is 430 €.
Info and reservations Premshakti Elio 347 0326962
Day 1
- Arrivo a Grempoli in mattinata
- 10.30 Presentazione del programma
- 12.30 pranzo
- 14.30 Prana Nidra
- 15.30 lezione calligrafia e Likhita Japa
- 18.00 lezione di yoga
- 19.30 cena
- 21.00 meditazione Ajapa
- 22.00 silenzio (mouna)
Day 2
- 6.30 lezione di yoga
- 8.30 colazione
- 9.30 lezione calligrafia e Likhita Japa
- 12.00 meditazione Ajapa Japa
- 12.30 pranzo
- 14.30 Prana Nidra
- 15.30 lezione calligrafia e Likhita Japa
- 18.00 lezione di yoga
- 19.30 cena
- 21.00 meditazione Ajapa Japa
- 22.00 silenzio
Last day
- 6.30 lezione di yoga
- 8.30 colazione
- 9.30 karma yoga
- 12.00 Prana Nidra e conclusione
- 13.30 pranzo
- 14.30 rientr